Tuesday, 20 April 2010

men are from mars


They are the ones that make us girls, laugh, cry, scream, sulk, blah blah blah. Why is it that the ones in our life, the ones that control our emotions, the ones that can make us so shocked that we forget to breathe the only ones that can break our hearts?
When a girl falls for a guy and then get to know them, we decide "yeah, i want to be with him" so we give them ourselves we trust them not to hurt us, having heard the promise that they "will never hurt" us. Why the hell do we give them the power to break us when in the end we know that the fact is, they will hurt us one way or another. So then if we know this deep down why is it that when they get bored and chuck us in the gutter we end up the ones crying ourselves to sleep for the next month. As soon as someone else with a better personality, a better laugh, a better body or a better face comes along then we, the ones that have stood by them and tried to make them happy when they are down, get pushed aside and forgotten. We have to watch as those ones that we loved and trusted sticks their tongue down another girls throat.

How is it possible for a woman to go through so much when men move on within a second? Even if we are the ones that have to end the relationship, we still end up crying, because we hurt. We have things in our bodies called feelings and they tend to pop up pretty often especially if a boy is involved. If we end it we wont get another guy in a long time because we don't think ok I'm single and a little radar goes off in our heads as soon as a hot guy walks past. Or any guy for that matter. Whereas for boys, they end it, dont even spare another thought and a pretty girl walks past and ding ding ding, and the testosterone kicks straight in.

Some girls just try to keep guys for their friends this seems to be quite a good idea as nothing would happen and you aren't giving them something of yourself that they apparently just cant give back. I dont think that guys are capable of love. Speaking of love what exactly is it? I mean its not lust, which is what a lot of teenagers mistake for love. So what is it?

But I'm going off track.

My question is, though. What is it that causes the male species to push us girls aside and forget about it? Why, when we are crying on the shoulders of our friends do those guys that broke us have already got a new girl on their arm? How do those guys that promised never to hurt us feel no pain when dealing with the women they "care" about?

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Something New

Well, i just signed up to blogger and i don't really know what to put or how to use it as I'm sat here trying to figure out how to make my background look sweet, so I'm just going to say the first things that come to my head.

My name is Georgie Radford, I'm 15 years old, year ten, never been kissed, blonde haired, blue/green eyed, non reliable, random, hate my body, awkward with people, wanting to talk, hiding myself, wanting to travel, having dreams, your everyday average, buried in coursework, loving to laugh teenager.

I try to be optimistic though i don't think that many people see, i want my friends to smile when they're down but i know that that isn't for me to decide, but my job to help them do so. Not all of them are the happiest people in the world at the moment and its all because of the people that they would have thought wound be there for them and try not to upset the people you think care about them. I feel like i have no one to talk to even though I'm surrounded by people and the ones i care the most about. I'm never alone, but feel lonely a lot even though i try not to be. I feel bad when i don't thank the ones who pull me through that dark tunnel of whatever it is, and get angry at the stupidest things. But i cant help it. I don't know how to deal with it. I've thought about looking up some anger management things but i don't know if talking to someone would help, because i probably wouldn't tell the truth and blame it on something i know isn't the cause. But anyway.

As i am going back to school in two days or one :s i think its about time i start getting back into regular sleeping and back into school mode, ready to learn. woo. I guess i should count myself lucky and think that at the end of the day i don't have a pressurising family and i don't have friends that suck and my school life isn't too bad, at the end of the day i know people who are going through some bad times and they have still managed to get all their coursework done on time and done well so, i guess if they can do it then so can i :D thanks to my girlies and boylies i love you and i hope you know that xx