Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Let me have a moan.

Okay, so i do intend to start blogging properly again soon, especially because I was talking to my friends dad and he was talking about me becoming a feature writer. I am still interested in being a fiction writer and an editor, its just another possibility. Which is fine, at least I know what business I want to be in, I don't have to decide now. I'm only sixteen at the end of the day, and you know what, why should i have to?

I don't want to totally bore you with a massive moan but I feel that it is time, also, before I can write well i need to vent. It's what I do best. Speaking of venting I did exactly that to my drama teacher a couple of weeks ago, almost started to cry. I didn't mean to but i was stood there, expecting just to have a chat while i waited until i had to go and pick up the brother, and then I felt really sick, I just wanted to sit down, and my eyes started watering. He asked me if I was okay, knew that I wasn't and asked me what was on my mind. That was all it took for my chin to wobble. Ever had that feeling, when you just have to sit in silence for a minute, otherwise you wont be able to hold it in anymore. Well, that was what happened, i ended up pretty much running away, I felt terrible for doing it, but it didn't make me feel any less of an idiot for crying (almost) over revision and exams.

So, I have done two of my seven exams this summer, it makes me feel better to think that i have already done my maths and passed it. I know its only a C and a C is all I need and lets face it, I don't need to know what Pythagoras theorem is. Do i? Nope. Do I did my English paper one yesterday, my ethics paper today and then my English paper two tomorrow, kind of gay that its in the afternoon and is 2 hours long which means that i wont get out of school on time. Gutting really. Oh well, not much I can do about that. I'm not particularly confident on what I have already done either and I'm not at all confident about tomorrow either. Its non-fiction and knowing me I will read the articles really slow and not finish it... again. For me, and yes i am very aware how sad this is, but its quite heart breaking when I don't finish stuff and both of my exams that I've done so far haven't been finished I mean, I knew I would be pushed for time but I always thought that some miracle would occur and it would just happen. I have not yet been so lucky. And you know what my hand doesn't half bloody ache afterwards!

So, wish me luck for tomorrow anyway, lets hope it goes okay at least. These exams cant be good for my blood pressure... After tomorrow I have one English Lit exam and after that, and then its half term. After half term I have History Written Paper, Graphics and then its my History Source Paper.

Trying not to get stressed though... Not working particularly well is it.

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