Monday, 21 June 2010

a relationship.

A relationship. 
Definition : A connection or a relation to someone. A bond. 

There are many relationships around us everyday. They don't have to be sexual or romantic. But they can be, that is why when we hear the word our brains think "boy/girlfriend." But that isn't what a relationship is about, you have a relationship with the people you live with, whether it is a bond of blood or marriage, you are in a relation-ship with them. You are related. You love them, of course you do even though it doesn't feel like it all the time, but you don't always tell them, most of them already know, just by the way you act towards them. Some peoples parents break up. Mine did. It happens. All that means is that they fall out of love. Not that there relation to each other is over. Its you. They are still related to each other, because of you. And that is a good thing. 
Then there are your friends the ones that you can live without. Well i couldn't live without mine, and if you have read my previous blogs then you'll know that i love them with all my heart and no boy, whoever that may turn out to be, could ever replace them. They can be a pain in the ass at times but i still love them, whether that is a bad thing or not i don't know. I have a friend, i know that she is having a bit of a bad time at the moment, not that she would tell me, but i can tell. Im not sure what to do, I'm not that social, even with my friends, and sometimes i just don't know what to say. I want her to talk to her but i know that she doesn't want to talk about it, but at the same time i know that if she wanted to talk me about it then, surely, she would have spoken to me already. I don't know, all i can do is be right here when she needs me. 
Have you ever had a friend that you have loved to pieces for too long to remember but then they change and you don't want to let them go but, this new trait is just too hard to look past? What do you do when your friend changes from the girl you loved into the girl you hate? And god, i don't want to let her go but she's already fading away, slipping through my fingers, is it just now, is she just going through a rough patch? i just don't know. What do i do? Do i just let it go, or do i try to say something?
Then you have the romantic connections. The hardest kind of relationship that a humans put ourselves through. Or, so i've heard. Everyone says that love is the greatest feeling, but i cant help but wonder, when all the pain comes afterwards, is that amazing feeling really worth it? I'm sure that it is but really, think about it, what is the thing that most girls cry over, isn't it boys? Or is that just me? I have never been in love and i am convinced i never will. But, i'm only 15 and i'm hoping that i have many years of life and love ahead. But, is there such a thing. Are we just mistaking other feelings for love? Lust? Friendship? Great fulness? And how do you know when you have fallen? Is love just a powerful feeling of something else or is it what it is? Love. Do some people have it right when they never say the words "i love you" ? is that such a bad thing? Love just confuses everything. Doesnt it?   Or is love really that feeling that doesn't allow you to let go of certain people in your life? The feeling that stops you from sleeping at night. The feeling that if you ever loose them then you will never be close to another person ever again. I guess i will never know until i fall in love. 

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