Thursday, 29 July 2010

Life at the moment.

Well, looks like i haven't posted in a while as i haven't really had any inspirational ideas to write about. And usually i'd write about love or pain but today i think going to spice it up a little, by just having a nice big chat! I mean yes things have happened, and i have had a lot of things to write about, but i just couldn't find anything interesting to talk about, and then i realized that i didn't really think i needed to. So, here it goes.

So a couple of weeks ago I was grabbed around the throat by some high maniac! But hey it happens to the best of us. However, this made me think and decide that im going to take up self defence. I mean why not i could do it. Right? I cant be that hard to get into, its a hobby and everyone has one. But then there is so many different forms of martial arts, i mean theres: 
  • Kung-fu / karate - where sharp blows are targeted to weak points in the body 
  • jujitsu  - uses throws holds and blows for protection
  • judo - similar to wrestling 
  • ect
Personally i think i will take up jujitsu, because i am told that it would suit me best. Plus i don't like the idea of wrestling some one near a park bench, and I'm not graceful enough for kung-fu, so jujitsu it is :) and it looks kind of fun :P, i did find this one place quite close but its for 16 years and over, so i would have to wait until February, or i find somewhere else, but i just don't know where to look. 

So, now its the summer holidays and one week in, I'm feeling quite good. I have done something pretty much everyday. Sunday, i went out with my friends, one who is going on holiday for THREE WEEKS!! I'm going to miss her so much, so last Thursday we went to see Shrek four! Which was really good a lot better than number three, which wasn't really very good to be honest. So we all had a really good night and then on Sunday we went down to the park and took some pictures and brought ice cream and had a really good day :) i miss her already, even though its only been a few days i know that I'm still not going to see her for agesss. :( 
Monday, i didn't go out until three but i still had a good time :P, i met my friend, who i haven't really been close to for ages! but i really love her, she is so nice and caring and lovely! So we took a walk down to the park and had an awesome nice talk, and to be honest a nice bitch :) . Now don't judge me, everyone needs one once in a while. But we were talking about to certain people that have hurt more than one person in there quest for "love" :) And she is going through a really hard time at the moment and I'm really feeling for her because she really doesn't deserve it. So i'm just trying to be there for her. And i'm really enjoying it. Theres a really nice feeling that just pangs when someone tells you that they are grateful to you. It just makes me smile. So I hope that things get better for her soon and i hope that we still stay close when she doesn't need me anymore.
Tuesday, i didn't go out until 6 :O but it didn't matter, i went out with a load of friends, one has got me worried. People keep asking me if i like him. But i don't, i swear i don't. But when people ask me if i like someone, i gets me thinking.. Do i like him? But either way, if i did nothing could happen. Hes my best friends ex. Oh dear. The thing is, i don't often like like people in that way. So when people ask me i think too much, mind you it did happen recently with someone else, who i have known literally forever. Someone asked me if i liked him and i was like "lol no!" and my mind was like, "ummmm do i ?" So yeah a bit of a big dilemma, but no i don't think i do, i think that its just that i'm just getting to know him and just realising how nice he is :). So yeah i went out with a loads of peoples and we watched a film. It was a really good night.
Wednesday, we went to the beach :D and i got a ta-aaa-n :D i love being tan, it makes me feel just really quite more confident. For some retarded reason :), so there was loads of us!  I went with one of my really close friends, but i swear i didn't talk to her like all day! I'm kind of worried, that i'm loosing them, i'm sure that i'm just being paranoid, but its really weird, i will talk to them, and we will have to arrange to meet up, which should be good, mind you i am going on holiday camping to Cornwall, which i'm looking forward to but dreading at the same time. I mean, i'm going with a friend and we have been friends for a long time, but, something has happened and i cant quite put my finger on it but i'm worried that we are going to fall out, or something i am going to say will upset her, i feel like i don't know her anymore, and maybe this holiday will be a good thing, a chance for us to get to know each other again, maybe. Hopefully it will help. I guess. I guess i could just escape into a book or something, but which one to take :/ hmmmmm..... 

Today, well wasn't today a fun day, tiding my mothers house for her. For Free. I'm such a nice daughter. I might ask for money :P. 

Ok Well im sure you have now given up reading this because it is very long and boring so yeah! I'm just trying to remember everything i have done in the summer, because its like my last summer holiday in high school and i don't want to waste it. 

This blog is now going to come to a very abrupt end and im going to say. Good bye :) xx

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