Ok, so I'm trying to start making more of an effort on my appearance as according to my friend, i am a plain Jane. Gutted. But i know, i think that's why I'm feeling a bit looser ish. Yes! I do love shopping, but, i don't have the money, not if i want to save for next summer in time to get me my well deserved, well i think, Mac book. I know that that is like a year away but its a lot of money and i know this is bad, but i don't have the confidence to get a job. I mean, where do i start looking? Plus, I'm in the shit, i spent £30 ponds in New Look the other day on two tops and i still know that there are two more that i want "/. Yeah, i really like them but, i kinda regret getting them. And, they aren't even that colourful! I really want to look nice, its like my friend keeps saying, i have such a crazy personality and i should let that show through my clothes. Should. I don't know, maybe I'm scared or something. Of coming out of my comfort zone or something "/. Could be anything. So I need clothes. To get clothes, i need money. to get money, i need a job. To get a job i need confidence. To get confidence, god knows! So, I'm trying to find shops on the internet i can order from, that way i can avoid the stress of town and still look with my mummy. Mummy's opinion still counts, even if it is wrong.
And i have this fat bit of English coursework that I'm really struggling with, its really hard. Maybe its because its the summer holidays and i am very unmotivated at the moment, and to be perfectly honest, i cant actually remember how to write anymore. I really need to get it done! GR! Why does everything seem so hard?

She has always been there, i know we don't talk that much but... she's my sister and i love her so much. Oh dear I'm welling up... Thing is i don't tell her. In fact i don't think i ever have. But i do. I know its soppy, and we don't do soppy. Im making it sound like she's going to another country. Bad times. I wish we spoke more, but like with everyone else. I don't know what to say...
And i have to go, and stop blabbing on, but hey... if you cant whine on blogger, where can you!?
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