I'm climbing stairs, they are uneven and tricky. Some times, I'll trip and stumble, sometimes the next step will easy. Like life. Sometimes, you will find that climbing the stairs is as easy as climbing the stairs in you house, and other times your climbing the impossible stair that is rough, uneven, steep and slippery, you could slip off at any moment and have to start again, or someone could appear and pull you up that last little bit, sometimes they will appear again and again, and you will learn to love them. Other times, they look like there about to help you, but they're the ones that end up pushing you down.
Sometimes, you can get pushed down so many times that you just want to sit down and wait for someone to pick you up and just carry up, because you have simply given up, you don't want to have to pick yourself up anymore, you've lost hope. You think you know the out come of the next step, and it hurts. Or, so you think. The point is that you cant just give up on your life, you have to keep going, or you might be stuck on a hard step for longer than you were supposed to be in the first place. You have to keep going for things to get better. Because sometimes there will be a little bit of flat to get to the next flight. No, it wont be easy to get to the top of them, but once you do, gee'z will the view be worth it. Maybe, you will want to get higher, so another flight of stairs will come, but don't worry with a little help you make it.

Your never quite sure who you should trust, as at any moment they could put out a hand and push you down. And sometimes, you'll be the one helping someone else up their next step, so most likely, they'll be back to help you. People come and go, some stay for longer, and some vanish without a word. You cant wish them back. No matter what you wish on, how you wish for it, nor can the strength of your wish, not if they don't want too...
I know that stairs are a strange way to put it, but i guess, i'm the daughter of a stair maker, the metaphor seems solid.
It's a draining process, but it's a process, and it makes you grateful for the areas of flat, and it you think about it that way, think at least your not going downhill.
Anyway a short and complicated blog for you :)
Peace out, Georgie xx