Confusion. One of my main emotions. It comes on fast and goes away in second. The more that this happens the more confused that i get. Oh its so confusing! Everything is slipping away all my time. And time is running away with the clock!
But, i have had a nice long whine and even though i could go on whining for so much longer im going to embrace my happiness. So. Here is the list of who and what makes me happy!

Shannon: shes funny, shes smart, and i love her! she isnt having too much of a good time at the moment and is not a happy bunny, when she deserves every happiness in the world, i made a with for her recently and i really hope that it comes true, and i will do everything that i can to make it come true and i hope that i know her until we are pushing around zimmer frames complaining about the young kids today, haha, but i wish her every happiness and i love her very much!

Georgia: shes weird, shes crazy but i still love her! She has recently gotten a new boyfriend, at first i was worried that i would begin to see less than her, but now i know that she will always be here for me and she knows that i will always be their for her. I hope that she stays happy forever and that i have a part in that, i will love her for always and forever, no matter where we are. I love you!
Layla: shes strange, shes a laugh and i love her! its been eleven years and we have had some amazing times and that i will never forget. We are like a married couple, we argue but we still love each other, shes my crazy husband Barry and she always will be like i will always be Doris. I would say that i hope we will be friends forever but i already know that we will always be friends no mattter what ! Thank you and i love you!
Chloe: i know that she doesnt know it, but i love her very much, she is soo great and she doesnt even know it, or that im always here when she needs me. Sometimes things dont always go her way but in time they will and those times will be the ones that she loves the most. I hope that she knows i lover her so much and i wish her everything sweeet that life can give to her. I love you!
Thank you to all of you i will never forget what you have done for me, and what you have done to my life, i wouldnt be who i am with out you !
I love you so much, you have my heart, please dont break it! xxxxx