Every girl in intitaled to a love story. A fantasy. We all wish for one, dont we? And to have a love story we have to find a love. Love? Is there such a thing? We've been told that many times that eventually we will be able to find the loves of our lives. But how? And when? When do we know that we have found the one? Is it a feeling or does someone tell you? And, one of my personal greatest fears, what if, you never find him? Or, what if you miss him and let that pass you by. How many chances do we get with true love? I don't want to settle for something just because i cant get better. Is it selfish to want the real deal? What if, i want what i don't deserve. Does that mean, that i don't get to fall in - stupid, needy, irrational, cant live without the other -love? Is that fair. Or do we get exactly who we deserve... I don't mean to sound ungrateful and selfish, but the fact is, i am. And I
want a Mr. Darcy. I want someone who will ask me to dance just so they can look at me close up. I want someone to love me against their better judgement, but love me all the same. I want someone to write me a love letter. I want someone to love me. I know that everyone says that but, in high school, when all you see around you is couples getting off and people talking about sex all the time, it kinda makes you wonder. And yes, i still have days when i do feel quite sorry for myself. No, i don't want to have sex. No i don't want public snogging sessions. I want something else.
As you may have realized, recently i have started reading pride and prejudice, and it has gotten me thinking again, i was surprised actually that i have gone so long without having a massively long rant about it. And i don't really want to now. Even though i kind of just have. I went prom dress shopping with a couple of my friends today, who both tried on dresses they looked beautiful in. And it got me thinking, prom. Its the end of an era. And stood there, looking at two beautiful girls, in big beautiful dresses, well... i welled up, i stared to think about college and how we and my other friends wouldn't see each other so much all the time, different timetables, different buildings. It just makes me sad to think that my whole way of life is ending, and things are going to change. This is the beginning of the end, and its a sad feeling, that i think is going to linger. Its like an emptiness. Wow, I'm not old enough for prom, or college, I'm not old enough to risk loosing the people around me because i wait for them, I'm not ready to loose them because I'm too shy to arrange something. I'm not old enough to be worrying about the fact that i have never done
anything in my life. And i don't actually care, i still have my whole life to do something about it. I'm not stupid enough to do something that i will regret later on, I'm not desperate. And I'm fussy. So there. Lets get back to the beautiful Mr. Darcy - well he's beautiful in my head - and love.
Elizabeth is a little silly when she rejects Darcy isn't she? It isn't just me who thinks so... is it? Only to accept him in the end anyway. He loved her. L.O.V.E.D her, thats special. And she grows to love him in a matter of weeks?! Silly girl. But what is it that makes us attracted to someone? Their looks, personality, charm? Is it all three? Or is there no such thing as attraction? Do we fall for someone despite what they look, act and dance like? Is it all looks and personality? Do you have to be "banging" or pretty or beautiful to have someone fall for you? Can you rely on personality anymore? Or has the media ruined it for everyone? We only hate our bodies because we have been told what we have to look like, but why do we have to look like what we're told to look like? We're perfectly happy to rebel against everything else people tell us, so why haven't we rebelled against this ideal body too? I suppose it will just be one other thing that us girls need to deal with, i guess its a good thing we are muti-taskers.

Here, is my Mr. Darcy. Damn his dark flicky (sexy) hair and baby blues... sigh.
Well, as you can see, i set my ideals way to high for the way i look, but hey I'm still little. I'm allowed to dream! And, you know, no one is going to stop me.