Having started many posts and then later deleting them, i was starting to get a little sad. Had i lost my flow, and if so how long would it last? Its been gone for ages, i struggled even to write my english essay so when i realized that my flow had disappeared from fiction too! Maybe i had been just preoccupied with coursework and revision or just being too damn tired. However, in the past week i have read two books! Yeah, i know i haven't really been able to go anywhere because of the snow, but its still quite bad that i haven't been able to do coursework. I just cant focus. So i began to re-write my story, which by the way i wont be posting, firstly because i want to get it published, and second because it would take me years to post the thing. So at first i wanted to write it, alternating between characters perspective, i read a book like it before, called North Child? Or something like that. Anyway i really liked it so i tried it my self, it worked quite well but i realized that maybe it would be better for me to write it third, that way i could zoom into one person more easily rather than having to change chapters, its annoying though, im so used to writing in first person so i keep doing accidentally... oops.
Well thats a start. Again, i changed my career path, i figured being a journalist would be interesting but having read my most recent book i figured that the job could be kind of dangerous, and not only that i wouldn't know how to write about death and pain. I would get to emotional involved connecting it to myself somehow, trying to understand what exactly the victim was going through, and i wouldn't gossip about celebrities, so i let it go. Still wanting to be an author i figured as i was reading and noticing slight mistakes, i could be the one to correct them, and get to read these brilliant books for money. Being paid for something that i love doing. Plus i could pretty much choose how i do it, therefore, i would still have time to write my own material. Simple.
Plus i applied for college yesterday, its weird it feels like only yesterday i was getting nervous of high school, i know that life is a journey but you don't expect to fly though it, life should at least be strolled though, sometimes you need to be somewhere for that little bit longer. Still, college has been applied for so they should get back to me! Scary stuff.

So, whats been going on? Not a lot, having finished school for Christmas i went to see my dad, who was ill with the flew thing that i had a couple of weeks ago, which now my mum has too, i feel bad but I'm not the only one who could have given it to them at the end of the day. Then i went down to my lovely friends bless her, the four of us crazy people danced ate and just plain simply made fools of ourselves. I had a good night and i needed it it was the last time before Christmas i would probably see them again. I was supposed to see one of them again on Monday but because of the snow, lovely Exeter was at a stand still. So looks like i will be travelling up there tomorrow! With little brother in tow, as my sister isn't coming home now until tomorrow, fair enough though the snow is really thick. Well i really need to go up tomorrow so hopefully, we will be in luck and the weather will be permitting, other wise Christmas presents will be late this year... so annoying, but at least i know exactly what i need. I'm going to be writing a list, my i feel like santa!
I don't feel as excited as i normally do though. Maybe its because i know what I'm getting this year, but i cant help that i suppose. I wanted what i wanted. Maybe i will tomorrow, i might get up early and download some christmas music to pump my legs to when walking. Not that i will be able to walk that fast but, never mind!
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