Im really sorry, i knew i would be bad at this :/ I'm terrible i know ... I cant promise that I'm going to be able to post a quote every single day at this rte, and you got to give me some sympathy, i am in year 11 after all, I'm sorry that i haven't done a proper post for such a long time either. I just don't know what exactly to write about ... I will think about it when I'm not trying to get rid of this bug thing i have at the moment.... Cough, cold, headaches, hot flushes, the list goes on. Its doing my head in.
Anyway it wont be a daily quote but a quote of the day sort of thing, when i have one or if i remember / have time to post one.
So here's today's
Life is like a piano,
what you get out of it depends on how you play it,
Right now, your not playing it too well
I've had this picture forever and been totally in love with it from first glance, and i always wanted to accompany it with a blog, but i never really wrote one to go with it very well. I bet i will write one that would fit it perfectly now, that is if i ever write one again. Sad times.
Everyone has days when they think that they aren't playing their piano too well, or someone isn't playing it too you or a friend well at all, we all have our days and its sad when someone has to go through a rough patch. Sometimes people go though too many patches, and as a friend of those people its hard to watch, you want to step in and just pull them out and take it all for them, but, you cant, they need to deal with it themselves and the majority would rather you didn't, would you want them to do the same to you? Besides because of the way that life pans out, you'll get your own amount of mess later on that you'll have to act as a cleaner for. I hate seeing my friends sad, but i know that all i can do is be there for them, its hard when you want to talk to the hurter, give them a piece of your mind, but as i have learned from experience, the only thing you can do for them is be happy and support them, but they need to sort out their problems for themselves. I know that it sounds harsh, but its true, as sad and frustrating as that may be, there isn't anything you can do to change it.
I wish that i could help you, my best friend get through what you hide, but i can't. Its a sad fact of life that can't be changed. I wish i could pull you back and take it all for you, save you from the tears that have streamed and stained your cheeks. I wish i could save you from pain. I wish that i could take it all away, i know that i haven't been the best that i could ever be. And I'm sorry for that. I'm here now, and i hope that helps or at least counts for something. I will always be here, i love you, and i hope you know that now if you had missed all those signs before.
I think that counts as half a blog... hmm, think i just got a bit carried away then. Oopsies.
Anyhow, for the next one,
Peace out ,, Georgie. xx